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Full Season Jobs

TEAM REPS [Stef Pleasure, Melissa Prokop, Erin Horbal, Ashley Demerest] — The Team Reps attend MCSL meetings; interview/hire coaching staff; coordinate regular season and major meets (Relay Carnivals, Coaches Long Course, and Divisionals) with other Reps in the division; works with the coaching staff on all matters relating to swim team operations. Reps arrive before meets to set up the pool. 

PRE TEAM REP [Kathleen Benson] — The Pre-Team Rep will oversee the pre-team program and work with coaches to maintain the appropriate number of swimmers at each practice. Rep will create sign up genius, if needed to keep an ideal swimmer/instructor ratio. Rep assists coaches in coordinating the end of season Popsicle Mini Meet.

WEBSITE COORDINATOR [Megan Troidl] — The Website Coordinator manages the website and registration.

OFFICIALS COORDINATOR [ ] — Manages the starters, referees, and stroke and turn officials. Ensures all official positions are filled at swim meets. Communicates with current officials when it is time to recertify. Recruits future officials.

ANNOUNCER [ ] — Voice of the Otters! Announces each event at A and B meets. The announcer keeps the meet moving and is responsible for welcoming the visiting team, announcing scores at halftime and at the end of the meet, and pool/team records.

AUTOMATION [ ] — Primarily responsible for operating computer and team software to prepare meet entry sheets and to record swimmer times and heat scoring at home meets. Prints meet program. Prints ribbon labels, event score sheets and final meet summary.

CONCESSIONS COORDINATORS [Liz Coakley, Regina & Pat Exon] — A and B meet concessions chairs arrive for set up of concessions at time trials and home meets, manage volunteers for food prep and sales, have delivered or use volunteers to obtain ice and some food (bagels/donuts), oversee cash box and ensure proceeds are given to team treasurer at the end of the meet.

SPONSORSHIP [ ] — Contact possible sponsors and coordinate and setup sponsorship and advertising.

PEP RALLY & TEAM EVENTS [Heather Stein]— Coordinate restaurant nights and team outings. Work with coaches to plan activities for pep rallies and provide supplies needed for each rally. Schedule food/dessert for pep rallies. 

SPIRIT WEAR COORDINATOR [Kelly Tucker] — Orders all spirit swag for the team. 

VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR [Kim Holmes & Stacy Van Dyken] — Monitor volunteer slots and ensure that all are filled for A and B meets.

AWARDS COORDINATOR [Michelle Scango] — Places order for special awards that are determined by coaches and given out at the banquet.

BANQUET COORDINATOR [Rose Heon] — Plan theme, recruit volunteers, select the food/drinks, purchase decorations, and work with the committee to plan/execute the evening.

SENIOR FAREWELL COORDINATOR [Felicia Lyons] — Plans and executes the senior farewell at the halftime of a home A meet during the season. Works with seniors' parents, the announcer, coaches, and reps to organize the presentation.

PHOTOGRAPHER & SLIDE SHOW COORDINATOR [Laura Sherman & Karen Morales] — Takes pictures of swimmers at meets, rallies, and social events and prepares a slideshow at the end of season banquet.

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